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Spring Brook Country Club

9 Spring Brook Road
Morristown, NJ 07960
Main Number: 973-539-6660
Golf Shop: 973-539-6660, x732
Racquets Facility: 973-539-6660, X761

Directions to the Club:

From Route 80 East or West:
Take 287 South 6.7 miles to Harter Road exit (Exit # 33). Turn left onto Harter Road. Travel .6 miles and turn right onto Old Harter Road. Turn right onto Alvord Road. The entrance to Spring Brook Country Club is directly off to Alvord Road.

From the South:
Take 287 North to Harter Road exit (Exit # 33). Turn left onto Tiger Lily Lane.  Turn left onto Harter Road. Travel .6 miles and turn right onto Old Harter Road. Turn right onto Alvord Road. The entrance to Spring Brook Country Club is directly off to Alvord Road.